

Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 4AM Eastern Daylight Time

This is crazy stuff, the President thought to himself as he flipped through Revelation.

The Beast of Revelation, he thought to himself. But which one am I? There were several.

The first one was just goofy. The Beast from the Sea. Seven heads but ten horns? How does that work? And a crown on each horn, but none on any of the heads?

But then there was this Scarlet Beast. He liked that more. Maybe it was the same beast, this Revelation thing was so screwy you couldn’t tell. The Scarlet Beast was more like him. He was tan, which was a little like scarlet.

And he was “ridden by a harlot.” He wouldn’t say it to anyone else, but that did sound like him. And the harlot rules all the kings of the earth. So, she’s got to be a looker, he thought. And she’s riding yours truly.

Suddenly the pain in his lower abdomen shot from his back to his stomach. He grunted loudly in pain.

The door opened, as always. “Your pills, sir?” Carver said.

He simply nodded vigorously. Carver swiftly retrieved them and brought them with a glass of water. The President wolfed them down.

“Do you want me to get anyone else?” Carver asked.

“No. No, Carver, that’ll be all.”

“Yes, sir.” Carver exited.

I gotta get that Zed guy back to the Oval Office, he thought. He turned back to the last book of the Bible.

© 2020 Nolan O’Brian