

Saturday, March 27, 2021, 5:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Bill Ruppert went outside and picked up the papers from the lawn. As he walked back toward the front door, he saw that the New York Record had the following headline.

Missile Launch Splashes Down Within Miles of President’s Golf Resort; President Was at Facility

A little further down, he saw another story:

Russia Denies Invasion of Baltics

“Little Green Men” Make Their Reappearance in Russian Borderlands of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia President Says He Has Spoken to Russian Counterpart:

“He Denies It, and I Have No Reason to Think He’s Lying”

Ruppert shook his head as he opened the screen door. There was little he could do at this point about North Korea. There was little he could do, period. Jack had called the previous week to formalize what had been obvious for some time.

“Bill, I hate that this has happened. But the partners took a vote today…”

“I understand.”

“I tried to stand up for you against this whole thing.”


“But the partners felt that it was too dangerous for them to be publicly associated with you at this time.”

“I understand, Jack. I expected this. We’ll be fine.”

“Please get in touch if there’s anything you need.”

Jack, I need a job, thought Bill. But he didn’t say anything.

“Good to talk to you, Jack. Best to Betty.”

“Best to Alice, Bill.”


Bill had hung up the phone.

Bill still got up at 5 every morning, shaved, showered, dressed, and read the papers. If Alice were not still sleeping, he would have made their bed. He needed the routine. Routine had seen him through every hard time in his life. It would see him through this one. They still had a bit of money to see them through retirement. He would not be able to leave anything to his kids, but his kids were better situated than many.

Well, he thought as he heard Alice stirring upstairs, if this North Korea thing continues, maybe no one will have to worry about retirement.

© 2020 Nolan O’Brian