

Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 6:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Joe and Terry had just finished walking around the rally venue, looking underneath the seats on the arena floor for anything suspicious. Kyle was doing the same thing for the higher-up seats. Half the arena had been closed off, both for security reasons and to make the crowd look bigger than it actually was for television.

Joe’s phone buzzed. He took it out and looked at it.

“It’s some relatives of mine who wanted to come to the rally. You okay here? I told them I’d bring them in, show them around a little.”

“They’re fans of the President?”

“Yes, I believe they are.”

“Yeah, go ahead,” Terry said. “I have to go talk to Max anyway.”

“Okay. I’ll see you guys in a few. Hey,” Joe said. “Do you think I can get a quick picture with the President and them? I think they would go crazy for that.”

“I don’t know. I’ll ask,” Terry said, and turned back toward the stage area.

Joe walked out to the entrance. Mary and Jeff and Jane were all there. When they caught sight of him wearing his olive-green uniform with the word SECURITY stenciled in yellow on the front and back of a similarly olive-green Kevlar vest, Mary and Jeff broke out into grins and waved. Jane seemed more subdued, Joe thought.

“How are you guys?” Joe said, walking up to the arena security guard and telling him, “They’re with me.”

“Wow, look at you,” Mary said.

“Still looking pretty military,” Jeff said.

“Well, once you find your color, it’s hard to leave behind,” Joe said, grinning.

“So, you’re doing security for this event?” Mary said.

“Yeah,” Joe said. “My boss does the security for the President now. I used to do other things for him, but he asked me to be part of that detail. So, I said yes.”

“Well, that must be exciting,” Mary said.

“Ah, it’s okay,” Joe said. “Mostly it’s traveling around and scouting out the bowels of big buildings and looking at every other thing other than what everyone else seems interested in, so it’s a little strange from that standpoint, I guess.”

“Do you get to talk to the President?” Jeff asked.

‘Well, I’ve met him once or twice,” Joe said. “Never really got to talk to him in depth. Mostly walking with him when he has to move from place to place.

“What’s he like?” Jeff said.

“Well, you’ve seen him,” Joe said. “He’s pretty much like you see on TV.”

“Wow, what I wouldn’t give to get to work for him,” Jeff said.

“Well, I guess it is an honor to work for the President of the United States,” Joe said.

“But especially this one,” Jeff insisted.

“Well, he’s the only one I’ve worked for,” Joe said. “At least directly. I guess everyone in the military worked for the guy before him back when he was president, but I never traveled with him on Air Force One.”

Jeff made a scoffing sound. “I would never want to work for that guy. He practically destroyed America. Thank god we got it back before he finished the job.”

Joe simply continued smiling.

Mary finally broke in and said, “Where do we sit?”

Joe said, “Oh, yeah, Come on, follow me. You’re in the VIP section. Here are your lanyards and passes. And there are masks. Made special for the occasion. Red white and blue, with the President’s family logo.” He handed out the items to each of them. “People usually don’t wear them at the rallies if they have a medallion. They’re mostly just a souvenir. But since the President has had the virus, more people do wear them.”

He walked them up to the front of the arena, then gestured for them to go up the stairs and onto the stage.

“We’re right up here?” Mary said, almost bubbling.

“You are going to be right behind the President,” Joe said. “But don’t worry, there will be monitors so you can see his face.”

“Wow,” Jeff said. “Wow. I can’t believe this. Thanks, man.”

“No problem,” Joe said. “Unfortunately, now you’ll have to wait about 90 minutes till he gets here.”

“No problem,” Jeff said.

“Nearest restrooms are behind this grandstand,” Joe said. “I would be sure to be in your places, though, about 30 minutes before air time, lanyards on. Say 7:30. Gives you about an hour.”

“Okay,” Mary said, happily. “Wow, thanks so much for this.”

“My pleasure,” Joe said. “I will try to come see you one more time before the thing starts. But I may not be able to, once things get going. My attention may have to be elsewhere. And I am sure I’ll have to bail out as soon as POTUS – the President – leaves. But let’s stay in touch from now on, okay?”

“You bet,” Jeff said.

“Great to see you, Jane,” Joe said. “I’ll be in touch about your trip.”

“Great,” Jane said, breaking into a broad smile. “Can I do it in April?”

“I don’t see why not,” Joe answered. “Bookings are still light on the airlines and in the hotels. Should be a snap getting reservations, even late.”

Jane looked to Joe as though she was both happy and relieved.

“Okay, I’m off. Enjoy,” Joe said. He left them marveling over their seats. The least I could possibly do for them, he thought as he made his way toward the designated security command post.

© 2020 Nolan O’Brian